Tuesday, December 20, 2011

A Work in Progress...

Book two is driving me nuts!!! It was originally supposed to be part of the first book, but there was no way I was writing a 300,000 word book and then selling it for $.99. It just wasn't going to happen. So I did what any writer would do: I split the book into two books.

This wouldn't have been a problem if the first part wasn't so damn integral in the second part. I'm not just talking major plot lines, I'm talking sub-plots, side stories, side characters... everything. And I need to somehow wind everything up and give the readers the answers they are looking for by the end of this book because I will not be able to do it later in the series. (I would explain why, but I don't want to give anything away.)

On top of that, I need to do this all in a way that stays true to the original story. I need to maintain an element of mystery, romance and, dare I say it, the supernatural. Yes, I am really having trouble with that last part. *sighs*

Anyways, I wish their was a point to writing all of this, but there really isn't.

I apologize for my bad grammar, annoying venting and constant rambling.

On the plus side, I am making progress--about 20,000 words of progress. That puts me at about 115,000 words for the second book. Another 30,000 and it should be done. Then I'll have to go back and decide which sub plots I am going to murder and where the 50,000 words are going to come from that I need to destroy. It makes me tired just thinking about it.

I realize that I'm starting to vent again, and while that may be helpful for me, it's probably not what you would like to read about.

Wish me luck and pray that all of these lunatic words and chapters I'm cranking out will somehow fit together in the end.

1 comment:

  1. The premise sounds interesting, let me know when it's out. Keep at it until it's subdued!
