Sunday, January 13, 2013

I was THAT kid...

You know how parents pull their cars over to the side of the road and tell their kids that if they don't behave they can get out of the car and walk? Well, I was the kid that actually got out of the car and started walking away. I was THAT kid.

And when my parents washed my mouth out with soap I'd swallow it and say, "Mmmm, that tastes good," even though I was holding back vomit. I was THAT kid.

When my parents spanked me, I'd say, "Oooh, that hurts. Is that as hard as you can hit?" even though I was fighting to hold back tears. I was THAT kid.

My parents never grounded me because it never would have worked. I would have laughed and walked out the door. I was THAT kid.

They couldn't even lock me in my room for a timeout because when I was four I stole the key to my room from my mom's dresser and never gave it back. (I still have it!) I was THAT kid.

I was never sent to bed without dinner unless my parents felt like waking up in the morning to a fridge completely emptied of cheese and baloney slices. I was THAT kid.

I never "threatened" to run away. I actually did it. I was THAT kid.

When I was in sixth grade a man pulled up in his car and offered to give my friend and I candy on our way to school if we got in his car (Yea, he really tried the old candy routine). I said, "Fuck you!" I was THAT kid.

And you know what? I'm still THAT kid. THAT kid that knew what she wanted. THAT kid that didn't tolerate empty threats or bullshit. THAT kid that stuck up for herself. THAT kid who watched her own back and took care of herself. And you know what? I wouldn't want it any other way.

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