Tuesday, February 19, 2013

I Just Don't Get You

Sometimes, well, a lot of the time actually, I feel like I can't really relate to people. And it's more than just feeling like I'm not on the same frequency as everyone else. It's like I'm not even in the same dimension. I just don't get people. I think I used to, but it slipped away as I grew up.

For example: I don't care if dandelions grow in my yard. I'm not going to spray for them or pull them out or anything. Who would spend time worrying about a freaking dandelion? Uuummm, oh yea. Everyone.

I also don't pick up my dog's poop or care where he poops. In fact, you can bring your pets over and have them poop in my yard too. You can even pretend like you didn't notice and then walk away without cleaning it up. I don't care. Who would waste their time caring or getting angry about stuff like that? I don't understand. It's poop! Who cares?

I also have a neighbor whose grass is over a foot tall--no joke. Some lady stopped at our house when we were having a garage sale and told us to call the town on him. I told her that he was a nice guy and that if she didn't like the way his yard looked that maybe she should stop looking at it. I then very politely asked her to take a hike.

When we have people over for dinner, we leave the dirty dishes in the sink... dirty! We don't rush to throw them in the dish washer or wash them in the sink like everyone else I know. We just leave them for the next morning so that we can spend time with everyone. Why would you want to waste time cleaning the dishes when you have something ten times better you could be doing? It's beyond my comprehension.

Every time a a germaphobe comes through my line at work, I want to full on lick my nasty dirty hand in front of them and then use it to give them their change. (It's just a fantasy. I've never actually done this. I'd probably get fired or in the least written up; especially because I know a few of them would actually start crying.) I know it's not something that all of them have control over, but--ugh--what is the point of being afraid of the world!!??

This is me. This is the type of person I am. It's just hard for me to understand. Who's going to be lying on their death bed fifty years from now and think to themselves, Wow, I lived a great life. I had the best manicured lawn in town back in the day and I'm really glad I screamed at my neighbor when her dog crapped in my yard. I just wish that I hadn't worn the skin off my hands from all of the sanitizer I used so that I could do one last load of dishes?

Am I the only one who feels this way?

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